Course Prospectus
Welcome to our CIS UCQ™ Open Course Pages
Our course prospectus are designed for individuals wanting to start or validate their career in Health and Social Care Informatics. CIS UCQ™ is a modular based framework of accredited short courses developed over 20 years to industry standards. Each course enables individuals to get a start in the world of health or social care informatics. Most courses require no previous experience, however it is important to practice the new skills gained. There is also opportunity to springboard into further study through participating Universities. Whether you work in an Acute NHS Trust, Primary Care, Social Care a GP practice in commissioning or provider role there is a course for you!, Why not extend your learning and try something new....
Benefits to students
If you choose to take the assessment, (achieving 75% or above) you can use your award to be considered for
further study such as the MSc in Health Informatics at Swansea University ( -
Feel confident that all CIS courses are mapped to national standards to ensure educational rigour in every course and certificated as a sign of Quality
Digitalis is a free mobile app for healthcare professionals to find and log CPD activities. Type, dictate or photograph whatever you learn to keep a searchable record on your phone and the cloud.
Complete 3 courses and exams and get your fourth exam free using our loyalty scheme
All courses are taught and examinations and certificates are optional
Bookings, Venues and General Enquiries
Please contact us here
Exams and certificates are optional and process are included in the prospectus. Note if you are taking exams it is under exam conditions.
Pass marks for all exams are set at 75%. *Access to higher levels of study is based on successful passes of the award at 75% and above.
1 resit is available at cost.
All of our trainers are experienced and have achieved high levels of teaching practice and with an appropriate recognised teaching qualification.
All our courses are evaluated for continuous improvement and an appeals and complaints process is in place.
Digitalis is a free mobile app for healthcare professionals to find and log CPD activities. Type, dictate or photograph whatever you learn to keep a searchable record on your phone and the cloud.
Host a CISUCQ™ course?
Special offers are available for host venues. Please get in touch to host a scheduled course or set up a bespoke programme or CIS Franchise.
Please enquire with us about corporate bookings for discounted rates.
GDPR and Confidentiality
By registering for a course with ADR Consultancy you permit the company to collect your details for the purpose of Education, Training and Development and processing administration and Certificates. Your information will be kept confidential and not shared with any 3rd parties without your permission.
Our Charity of Choice - The Alzheimer's Society
ADR Consultancy supports the work of the Alzheimer's Society and for every course we run we make a donation.